Adopting A New Business Model

Adopting A New Business Model

Even if you wake up one morning and decide to run a business with the first idea that pops into your head, you still have to sit and carefully map out how to make money. The choice of a business model to adopt is not a casual one as it considers the business goals, capital, industry...

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Why You Should Attend A Business Conference

Why You Should Attend A Business Conference

Keeping up with the trends in the industry should not even be negotiable for you as a business owner. And In an age where social media interaction and digital prints are on an all-out attack on physical interaction, I still strongly recommend the good old-fashioned conferences as a sure way of keeping up with the industry climate.

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The Final Answer to Downtime -Redbiller’s AVS

The Final Answer to Downtime -Redbiller’s AVS

At Redbiller, we took a careful look at the challenge of downtime, what it does to our customers who lose thousands and millions by the second and what we can do for them. The result of this is the Redbiller AVS, which I like to describe as the final answer to downtime.

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Improving Customer Experience

Improving Customer Experience

Customers are a vital part of success, which makes it wise to keep them at the centre of your business decisions. Part of these decisions is ensuring they have a great experience interacting with your business. And the direct result is that you retain customers while acquiring even more customers.

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Top Fintech Industry Challenges Around the World

Top Fintech Industry Challenges Around the World

Fintech has been changing the face of payments all over the world by building on the fallbacks of traditional banking to make payment seamless for everyone. Yes, Fintech is on a mission to eradicate payment challenges, but Fintech as an industry is not without its own challenges.

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Seven Best Ways To Resolve Disputes

Seven Best Ways To Resolve Disputes

As we go about day-to-day operations and value exchanges with our customers, disputes will inevitably arise. Things will not always turn out as planned, and could result in a misunderstanding, a delay, wrong value dispensation, failed transaction, and any other thing we can call a dispute.

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How to Close a Sale Faster

How to Close a Sale Faster

From the time of initial contact, which can be physical or online, everything else that happens determines if you close a sale or not. While you cannot control everything that happens, the good part is that you are in control of many of the things that can happen ...

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If you had magic, what would payment look like?

If you had magic, what would payment look like?

Let’s get a little creative today. If you had magical powers, what would payment look like? Have you ever thought about that? Actually, my question is, what would you make better about payment?

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It's Q3 already  -here's how to stay on track

It's Q3 already -here's how to stay on track

How many boxes have you ticked so far? I am talking about the business goals you set at the beginning of the year. It has been six months, so it’s not too early to ask how many of those boxes you have ticked so far.

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The Instant POS And Your Workforce

The Instant POS And Your Workforce

Workforce was designed to help businesses with access control, data privacy, and cash flow management without compromising key account information. And all of these apply when a POS is linked to a workspace.

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Understanding Gen Z -say hello to your new customers!

Understanding Gen Z -say hello to your new customers!

Every generation is unique, and there have always been differences in the consumer behaviour of each generation. But we live in a time when these consumer differences are more pronounced than ever.

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Why You Really Need A POS For Your Business

Why You Really Need A POS For Your Business

You might think, why else would I need a POS except to ease payment for customers? Well, that’s a good reason, but that is not the only reason you should get a POS. Today, we will be looking at these other reasons and what they mean for your business.

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