The Instant POS And Your Workforce
Grow with Redbiller
Jul 19th 2022

The Instant POS And Your Workforce

Esther O.
Esther O.

A few weeks ago, we announced to you that the Redbiller Instant POS is now available. And as part of its benefits, we listed that the POS can be linked to a Workspace. Like every other POS, the Redbiller Instant POS is linked to your account, but it is quite different when linked to a Workspace. Today, I will be walking you through what this means and its advantages. 

What is a Workspace?

A Workspace is a digital office for your workers on Workforce. It is designed to allow assigned workers to carry out transactions on behalf of the business.

A business on the Workforce is a Workgroup, and all Workspaces created by the business belong to the Workgroup. You can assign and unassign your staff to a workspace as you desire. 

Learn more -Workforce by Redbiller

The Link

Every Workspace has its account number, but all payments made to that account go directly into the business account as the Workspace cannot hold money. It is merely a channel for the transaction.

Now, each Workspace has a unique ID with which you can identify the account that received payment or initiated payment. So when a POS is linked to a Workspace, all payments on this POS go into the main account but carry the transaction ID of the Workspace. 

The Advantage 

Workforce was designed to help businesses with access control, data privacy, and cash flow management without compromising key account information. And all of these apply when a POS is linked to a workspace. 

Firstly, all transactions on the POS can be traced to the staff who occupies the Workspace. Also, all transactions can be monitored from the main account which eliminates any chance of foul play in the actual amount of transactions performed. And finally, all the money from the transactions goes into the main account which a Workspace cannot access unless authorised by the business owner. 

If you need multiple POSs for your business, perhaps you run a supermarket or restaurant, or are into agency banking, all your POS devices can be linked to the Workspaces assigned to each staff. And you can monitor all transactions from your main account dashboard.

But that’s not all there is to the Redbiller Instant POS; other great benefits include:

  • Zero transaction targets - you can transact at your own pace; no pressure on your business.
  • Full ownership: we don't lease out the POS and cannot reclaim your POS. It belongs to you.
  • Instant settlement: you are settled as transactions are completed, even during holidays.
  • Instant confirmation: you can instantly confirm all transactions from your Redbiller dashboard and even on the POS itself. Also, your staff can confirm all transactions from their Workforce account.
  • Hands-on support: Our support team is available to walk you through any dispute and ensure your business continues to run smoothly, helping you contribute to a great customer experience. 

My recommendation is if you are getting a POS and you will not be handling it, just get it linked to a Workspace and save yourself the headache of being defrauded. 

P.s. Workforce is a product of Rebiller. It is an extension of your Redbiller account to aid your business account management. Creating a Workgroup and having Workspaces does not come at an extra cost; it is free.

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